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class Inbound_Pro_Admin_Ajax_Listeners {
public function __construct() {
public static function load_hooks() {
add_action('wp_ajax_inbound_update_download_filter_preferences', array(__CLASS__, 'update_download_filter_preferences'));
add_action('wp_ajax_inbound_validate_api_key', array(__CLASS__, 'validate_api_key'));
public static function update_download_filter_preferences() {
global $wpdb;
if (!isset($_POST)) {
$memory = Inbound_Options_API::get_option('inbound-pro', 'memory', array());
$memory['meta_filter'] = $_POST['meta_filter'];
Inbound_Options_API::update_option('inbound-pro', 'memory', $memory);
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
public static function validate_api_key() {
global $inbound_settings;
if (!trim($_REQUEST['api_key'])) {
echo "{\"error\":\"missing-api-key\",\"message\":\"You must specify an API key to access this endpoint!\"}";
$customer = Inbound_Options_API::get_option('inbound-pro', 'customer', array());
$cache = get_transient('inbound_api_key_cache');
$clear_cache = (isset($_REQUEST['clear_cache'])) ? $_REQUEST['clear_cache'] : false;
if (
( trim($_REQUEST['api_key']) == $inbound_settings['api-key']['api-key'] )
) {
echo json_encode($cache);
$inbound_settings['api-key']['api-key'] = trim($_REQUEST['api_key']);
Inbound_Options_API::update_option('inbound-pro', 'settings', $inbound_settings);
$response = wp_remote_post(Inbound_API_Wrapper::get_api_url() . 'key/check', array(
'body' => array(
'api-key' => trim($_REQUEST['api_key']),
'site' => $_REQUEST['site']
'timeout' => 5
if (is_wp_error($response)) {
echo json_encode($response);
$decoded = json_decode($response['body'], true);
if (strstr($response['body'], '403 Forbidden')) {
echo "{\"error\":\"403\",\"message\":\"403 error. The connection is being blocked by a server security setting. Please contact your host for further assistance!\"}";
if (isset($decoded['customer'])) {
$customer['is_pro'] = self::get_highest_price_id($decoded['customer']);
Inbound_Options_API::update_option('inbound-pro', 'customer', $decoded['customer']);
update_option('inbound_activate_pro_components', true);
set_transient('inbound_api_key_cache', $decoded, WEEK_IN_SECONDS);
} else {
if ($decoded){
$customer['is_pro'] = 9;
Inbound_Options_API::update_option('inbound-pro', 'customer', $customer);
echo wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
public static function get_highest_price_id($customer) {
$price_id = $customer['is_pro'];
if (isset($customer['payments']) && $customer['payments']) {
foreach ($customer['payments'] as $payment_id => $payment) {
foreach ($payment as $k => $download) {
if ($download['id'] != '119326') {
if ($download['options']['price_id'] > $price_id) {
$price_id = $download['options']['price_id'];
return $price_id;
$Inbound_Pro_Admin_Ajax_Listeners = new Inbound_Pro_Admin_Ajax_Listeners();