Class Inbound_List_Double_Optin
Class manages the double optin preparation process
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
lead_list_save_settings( $list )
Gets the values of all inboundnow-lead-list-option class inputs, and sends them to ajax_lead_list_save_settings for saving. The element attribute "name" is the key for the settings. |
public static
public static
send_double_optin_confirmation( $lead )
Sends A Double Optin Confirmation to Lead After Conversion |
public static
add_confirm_link_shortcode_params( $content, $args )
Adds the lead id, the ids of the lists for the lead to confirm, and the lead's email to the shortcode Also removes all text except the link text from the shortcode params: $content: HTML string; the email content, $args : array(lead_id, email_id, list_ids); args to add to the shortcode. |
public static
remove_from_double_optin_list( $lead_id, $list_ids )
Removes leads from the waiting for double optin confirmation list if they've been added to lists directly |