Class Inbound_Updater
Class for managing updates to Inbound Pro plugin Inbound plugin API
__construct( string $_api_url, string $_plugin_path, $_plugin_file, $_current_version )
Class constructor. |
public static
public static
check_update( array $_transient_data )
Check for Updates at the defined API endpoint and modify the update array. |
public static
public static
show_update_notification( string $file, array $plugin )
show update nofication row -- because WP won't tell you otherwise! |
public static
plugins_api_filter( mixed $_data, string $_action = '', object $_args = null )
Updates information on the "View version x.x details" page with custom data. |
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
allow_download_url( $args, $host,…, $url,… )
Permit non standard zip files to be used in automatic update |
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static