Class Inbound_Landing_Pages_Plugin
Class Inbound_Landing_Pages_Plugin loads Landing Pages plugin
Methods summary
__construct( )
Main Inbound_Landing_Pages_Plugin Instance
Main Inbound_Landing_Pages_Plugin Instance
public static
load_text_domain( )
Loads the correct .mo file for this plugin
Loads the correct .mo file for this plugin
public static
is_valid_php_version( )
Whether the current PHP version meets the minimum requirements
Whether the current PHP version meets the minimum requirements
public static
fail_php_version( )
Invoked when the PHP version check fails. Load up the translations and
add the error message to the admin notices
Invoked when the PHP version check fails. Load up the translations and
add the error message to the admin notices
public static
notice( string $message, boolean $is_error = true )
Handle notice messages according to the appropriate context (WP-CLI or the WP Admin)
Handle notice messages according to the appropriate context (WP-CLI or the WP Admin)
public static
admin_notices( )
Show an error or other message in the WP Admin
Show an error or other message in the WP Admin
Properties summary
public static
Admin notices, collected and displayed on proper action
Admin notices, collected and displayed on proper action