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class Inbound_Mailer_Unsubscribe {
public function __construct() {
public function load_hooks() {
add_action( 'init' , array( __class__ , 'process_unsubscribe' ) , 20 );
add_shortcode( 'inbound-email-unsubscribe' , array( __CLASS__, 'display_unsubscribe_page' ), 1 );
public static function display_unsubscribe_page( $atts ) {
global $inbound_settings;
$html = "";
$usubscribe_notice_automation_series = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-notice-automation-series'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-notice-automation-series'] : __( 'You have unsubscribed!<br> Additional options below.', 'inbound-pro');
$unsubscribe_header_text = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-header-text'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-header-text'] : __( 'Unsubscribe:', 'inbound-pro');
$usubscribe_button_text = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-button-text'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-button-text'] : __( 'Unsubscribe', 'inbound-pro');
$usubscribe_show_lists = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-show-lists'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-show-lists'] : 'on';
$mute_header_text = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['mute-header-text'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['mute-header-text'] : __( 'Mute:', 'inbound-pro');
$automation_unsubscribed_confirmation_message = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['automation-unsubscribe-confirmation-message'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['automation-unsubscribe-confirmation-message'] : __( 'You have been unsubscribed from this series!', 'inbound-pro');
$unsubscribed_confirmation_message = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-confirmation-message'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-confirmation-message'] : __( 'Thank You!', 'inbound-pro');
$comments_header_1 = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-comments-header-1'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-comments-header-1'] : __( 'Please help us improve by providing us with feedback.' , 'inbound-pro' );
$comments_header_2 = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-comments-header-2'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-comments-header-2'] : __( 'Comments:' , 'inbound-pro' );
$all_lists = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-all-lists-label'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-all-lists-label'] : __( 'All Lists' , 'inbound-pro' );
$month_1 = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-1-months'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-1-months'] : __( '1 Month' , 'inbound-pro' );
$month_3 = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-3-months'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-3-months'] : __( '3 Month' , 'inbound-pro' );
$month_6 = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-6-months'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-6-months'] : __( '6 Month' , 'inbound-pro' );
$month_12 = (isset($inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-12-months'])) ? $inbound_settings['mailer']['unsubscribe-12-months'] : __( '12 Month' , 'inbound-pro' );
$maintenance_lists = Inbound_Maintenance_Lists::get_lists();
if ( isset( $_GET['unsubscribed'] ) ) {
$confirm = "<span class='unsubscribed-message'>". $unsubscribed_confirmation_message ."</span>";
$confirm = apply_filters( 'mailer/unsubscribe/confirmation-html' , $confirm );
return $confirm;
$token = ( isset( $_GET['token'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['token']) : '';
$lead_lists = Inbound_Leads::get_lead_lists_as_array();
$params = Inbound_API::get_args_from_token( $token );
if (!$params) {
$params = self::legacy_decode_unsubscribe_token($token);
if (!$params) {
$params = array();
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$params['lead_id'] = Inbound_Leads::get_lead_id_by_email($current_user->user_email);
$params['list_ids'] = array();
$params['list_ids'] = array();
if ($params['lead_id']) {
$params['list_ids'] = array_flip(Inbound_Leads::get_lead_lists_by_lead_id($params['lead_id']));
$usubscribe_show_lists = 'on';
if ( !isset( $params['lead_id'] ) || !$params['lead_id'] ) {
return __( 'Oops. Something is wrong with the unsubscribe token. Please log in and reload this page.' , 'inbound-pro' );
if (isset($params['job_id']) && $params['job_id'] && (!isset($params['list_ids']) || !array_filter($params['list_ids']) ) ) {
Inbound_Automation_Post_Type::mark_jobs_cancelled( array('job_id' => $params['job_id']) );
$params['event_details'] = array();
$params['event_details']['comments'] = __('Lead unsubscribed from automated email series' , 'inbound-pro');
$params['event_details']['job_id'] = $params['job_id'];
$params['event_details']['rule_id'] = $params['rule_id'];
Inbound_Events::store_unsubscribe_event( $params );
echo '<div class="automation-unsubscribe-message success">'. $automation_unsubscribed_confirmation_message.'</div><br>';
$html .= "<div class='unsubscribe-header'>" .$unsubscribe_header_text . "</div>";
$html .= "<form action='?unsubscribed=true' name='unsubscribe' method='post'>";
$html .= "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='".strip_tags($token)."' >";
$html .= "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='inbound_unsubscribe_event' >";
if ( isset($params['list_ids']) && $usubscribe_show_lists == 'on' ) {
foreach ($params['list_ids'] as $list_id ) {
if ($list_id == '-1' || !$list_id ) {
if (term_is_ancestor_of( $maintenance_lists['parent']['id'] , $list_id , 'wplead_list_category')) {
if (has_term($list_id, 'wplead_list_category' , $params['lead_id'] )) {
$html .= "<span class='unsubscribe-span'><label class='lead-list-label'><input type='checkbox' name='list_id[]' value='" . $list_id . "' class='lead-list-class'> " . $lead_lists[$list_id] . '</label></span>';
$html .= "<span class='unsubscribe-span'><label class='lead-list-label'><input name='lists_all' type='checkbox' value='all' ". ( $usubscribe_show_lists == 'off' ? 'checked="true"' : '' ) ."> " . $all_lists . "</label></span>";
$html .= "<div class='unsubscribe-div unsubsribe-comments'>";
$html .= " <span class='unsubscribe-comments-message'>". $comments_header_1 ."</span>";
$html .= " <span class='unsubscribe-comments-label'>". $comments_header_2 ."<br><textarea rows='8' cols='60' name='comments'></textarea></span>";
$html .= "</div>";
$html .= "<div class='unsubscribe-div unsubscribe-options'>";
$html .= " <span class='unsubscribe-action-label'>". $mute_header_text ."</span>";
$html .= " <div class='mute-buttons'>";
$html .= " <span class='mute-1-span'>
<label class='unsubscribe-label'>
<input name='mute-1' type='submit' value='". $month_1 ."' class='inbound-button-submit inbound-submit-action'>
$html .= " <span class='mute-3-span'>
<label class='unsubscribe-label'>
<input name='mute-3' type='submit' value='". $month_3 ."' class='inbound-button-submit inbound-submit-action'>
$html .= " <span class='mute-6-span'>
<label class='unsubscribe-label'>
<input name='mute-6' type='submit' value='". $month_6 ."' class='inbound-button-submit inbound-submit-action'>
$html .= " <span class='mute-12-span'>
<label class='unsubscribe-label'>
<input name='mute-12' type='submit' value='". $month_12 ."' class='inbound-button-submit inbound-submit-action'>
$html .= " </div>";
$html .= " <span class='unsubscribe-action-label'>".$usubscribe_button_text .":</span>";
$html .= " <div class='unsubscribe-button'>";
$html .= " <span class='unsub-span'>
<label class='unsubscribe-label'>
<input name='unsubscribe' type='submit' value='". $usubscribe_button_text ."' class='inbound-button-submit inbound-submit-action'>
$html .= " </div>";
$html .= "</div>";
$html .= "</form>";
return $html;
public static function generate_unsubscribe_link( $params ) {
if (!isset($params['lead_id']) || !$params['lead_id']) {
return __( '#unsubscribe-not-available-in-online-mode' , 'inbound-pro' );
if (isset($_GET['lead_lists']) && !is_array($_GET['lead_lists'])){
$params['list_ids'] = explode( ',' , $_GET['lead_lists']);
} else if (isset($params['list_ids']) && !is_array($params['list_ids'])) {
$params['list_ids'] = explode( ',' , $params['list_ids']);
$args = array_merge( $params , $_GET );
$token = Inbound_API::analytics_get_tracking_code( $args );
$settings = Inbound_Mailer_Settings::get_settings();
if ( empty($settings['unsubscribe_page']) ) {
$post = get_page_by_title( __( 'Unsubscribe' , 'inbound-pro' ) );
$settings['unsubscribe_page'] = $post->ID;
$base_url = get_permalink( $settings['unsubscribe_page'] );
return add_query_arg( array( 'token'=>$token ) , $base_url );
public static function legacy_decode_unsubscribe_token( $token ) {
$token = str_replace( array('-', '_', '^'), array('+', '/', '=') , $token);
$iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND);
$decrypted_string =
MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 , substr( SECURE_AUTH_KEY , 0 , 16 ) , base64_decode( $token ) , MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv
return json_decode($decrypted_string , true);
public static function remove_stop_rule( $lead_id , $list_id ) {
$stop_rules = get_post_meta( $lead_id , 'inbound_unsubscribed' , true );
if ( !$stop_rules ) {
if (!isset($stop_rules[$list_id])) {
unset( $stop_rules[$list_id] );
update_post_meta( $lead_id , 'inbound_unsubscribed' , $stop_rules );
public static function process_unsubscribe() {
if (!isset($_POST['action']) || $_POST['action'] != 'inbound_unsubscribe_event' ) {
if (!isset($_POST['list_id']) && !isset($_POST['lists_all'])) {
$params = Inbound_API::get_args_from_token( $_POST['token'] );
if (!isset($params['lead_id']) || !$params['lead_id'] || !$params ) {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$params['lead_id'] = Inbound_Leads::get_lead_id_by_email($current_user->user_email);
$all = (isset($_POST['lists_all']) && $_POST['lists_all'] ) ? true : false;
$params['event_details']['comments'] = ( isset( $_POST['comments'] ) ) ? $_POST['comments'] : '';
$params['event_details']['list_ids'] = $_POST['list_id'];
if (isset($_POST['mute-1'])) {
self::mute_lead_emails( $params , $all , 1 );
} else if (isset($_POST['mute-3'])) {
self::mute_lead_emails( $params , $all , 3 );
} else if (isset($_POST['mute-6'])) {
self::mute_lead_emails( $params , $all , 6 );
} else if (isset($_POST['mute-12'])) {
self::mute_lead_emails( $params , $all , 12 );
} else if (isset($_POST['unsubscribe'])) {
self::unsubscribe_lead( $params , $all );
public static function unsubscribe_lead( $params , $all = false) {
switch ($all) {
case true:
self::unsubscribe_from_all_lists( $params );
foreach( $params['event_details']['list_ids'] as $list_id ) {
Inbound_Leads::remove_lead_from_list( $params['lead_id'] , $list_id );
Inbound_Mailer_Unsubscribe::add_stop_rules( $params['lead_id'] , $list_id );
$event = $params;
Inbound_Events::store_unsubscribe_event( $event );
public static function unsubscribe_from_all_lists( $params ) {
if (!isset($params['lead_id']) || !$params['lead_id'] ) {
$lead_lists = Inbound_Leads::get_lead_lists_as_array();
foreach ( $lead_lists as $list_id => $label ) {
Inbound_Leads::remove_lead_from_list( $params['lead_id'] , $list_id );
Inbound_Mailer_Unsubscribe::add_stop_rules( $params['lead_id'] , $list_id );
$params['list_id'] = $list_id;
Inbound_Events::store_unsubscribe_event( $params );
public static function mute_lead_emails( $params , $all = false, $time ) {
switch ($all) {
case true:
self::mute_all_lists( $params , $time );
self::mute_lists($params , $time );
public static function mute_all_lists( $params , $time ) {
$params['event_details']['list_ids'] = Inbound_Leads::get_lead_lists_as_array();
self::mute_lists($params , $time );
public static function mute_lists( $params, $time ) {
$wordpress_date_time = date_i18n('Y-m-d G:i:s');
$dateTime = new DateTime($wordpress_date_time);
$dateTime->modify('+'.$time.' months');
$release_date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i');
$event = $params;
foreach ( $params['event_details']['list_ids'] as $list_id ) {
Inbound_Mailer_Unsubscribe::add_stop_rules( $params['lead_id'] , $list_id , $release_date );
$event['event_details']['emails_muted_for'] = $time . ' month';
$event['event_details']['emails_muted_until'] = $release_date;
$event['list_id'] = $list_id;
Inbound_Events::store_mute_event( $event );
public static function add_stop_rules( $lead_id , $list_id , $nature = 'unsubscribed' ) {
$stop_rules = self::get_stop_rules( $lead_id );
$stop_rules[ $list_id ] = $nature;
update_post_meta( $lead_id , 'inbound_unsubscribed' , $stop_rules );
public static function get_stop_rules( $lead_id ) {
$stop_rules = get_post_meta( $lead_id , 'inbound_unsubscribed' , true );
if ( !$stop_rules ) {
$stop_rules = array();
return $stop_rules;
new Inbound_Mailer_Unsubscribe();