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* User Query
* @name User Queries
* @description DDefinitions and Lookup Maps for User Data
* @uthor Inbound Now
* @contributors: Hudson Atwell
* @package Automation
* @subpackage Queries
if ( !class_exists( 'Inbound_Automation_Query_User' ) ) {
class Inbound_Automation_Query_User {
* Build Query Loopup Dataset
public static function get_key_map( ) {
$queries['user_role'] = __( 'User Role' , 'inbound-pro' );
return $queries;
/* Gets Page View Count for Lead
* @param ARRAY $trigger_data dataset of arguments sent over by trigger. One of the arguments must contain key 'lead_id'
* @return page_views INT
public static function query_user_role( $argument_id , $arguments ) {
$user_id = $arguments[ 'user_id' ];
if ( !$user_id ) {
return null;
$user = new WP_User( $user_id );
$roles = array();
if ( !empty( $user->roles ) && is_array( $user->roles ) ) {
foreach ( $user->roles as $role ) {
$roles[] = $role;
return json_encode($roles);