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if ( !class_exists('CTA_WordPress_Leads') ) {
class CTA_WordPress_Leads {
static $cta_clicks;
function __construct() {
public static function load_hooks() {
add_filter('wpl_lead_activity_tabs', array(__CLASS__, 'create_nav_tabs'), 10, 1);
add_action('wpleads_after_activity_log', array(__CLASS__, 'show_cta_click_content'));
add_action('wpleads_display_quick_stat', array(__CLASS__, 'display_quick_stat_cta_clicks') , 15 );
public static function create_nav_tabs( $nav_items ) {
global $post;
self::$cta_clicks = Inbound_Events::get_cta_clicks( $post->ID );
$nav_items[] = array(
'label'=> __( 'CTA Clicks', 'inbound-pro' ),
'count' => self::get_click_count()
return $nav_items;
public static function show_cta_click_content() {
global $post;
<div id="wpleads_lead_cta_click_tab" class='lead-activity'>
<h2><?php _e( 'CTA\'s Clicked', 'inbound-pro' ); ?></h2>
if (self::$cta_clicks) {
$count = 1;
foreach(self::$cta_clicks as $key=>$event) {
$cta_id = ($event['cta_id']) ? $event['cta_id'] : __('undefined','cta');
$variation_id = ($event['variation_id']) ? $event['variation_id'] : 0;
$cta_name = ($event['cta_id']) ? get_the_title($event['cta_id']) : __('undefined','cta');
$converted_page_id = ($event['page_id']) ? $event['page_id'] : 0;
$converted_page_permalink = ($converted_page_id) ? get_permalink($converted_page_id) : '';
$converted_page_title = ($converted_page_id) ? get_the_title($converted_page_id) : __('undefined','cta');
$date_raw = new DateTime($event['datetime']);
$datetime = $date_raw->format('F jS, Y \a\t g:ia (l)');
<div class="lead-timeline recent-conversion-item cta-click" data-date="<?php echo $event['datetime']; ?>">
<a class="lead-timeline-img" href="#non">
<!--<i class="lead-timeline-img page-views"></i>-->
<div class="lead-timeline-body">
<div class="lead-event-text">
<span class="lead-item-num"><?php echo $count; ?></span>
<span class="conversion-date"><b><?php echo __('CTA Click', 'cta'). ' - ' .$datetime; ?></b></span>
<span class="lead-helper-text" style="padding-left:6px;">
_e(' Clicked on page','leads');
<a href="<?php echo $converted_page_permalink; ?>" id="lead-session-<?php echo $count; ?>" rel="<?php echo $count; ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo ( $cta_id ? __('This is the page the call to action was placed on.','cta') : __( 'Event data is incomplete. ' , 'cta') )?>"><?php echo $converted_page_title; ?></a>
_e('through the call to action ','leads');
echo '<a href="'.admin_url('post.php?post='.$cta_id.'&action=edit&inbound-editor=false&wp-cta-variation-id='.$variation_id).'" target="_blank" title="'. ( $cta_id ? __('This is the call to action the user clicked a link on.','cta') : __( 'Event data is incomplete.' , 'cta') ).'">'.$cta_name.' ('. __('variation id:','cta'). $variation_id.')</a>';
_e( '<span id=\'wpl-message-none\'>No Call to Action Clicks found!</span>"', 'inbound-pro' );
public static function display_quick_stat_cta_clicks() {
global $post;
self::$cta_clicks = Inbound_Events::get_cta_clicks( $post->ID );
<div class="quick-stat-label">
<div class="label_1"><?php _e('CTA Clicks:', 'inbound-pro'); ?></div>
<div class="label_2">
if (class_exists('Inbound_Analytics')) {
<a href='<?php echo admin_url('index.php?action=inbound_generate_report&lead_id='.$post->ID.'&class=Inbound_Event_Report&event_name=inbound_cta_click&range=10000&title='. urlencode(Inbound_Events::get_event_label('inbound_cta_click')).'&tb_hide_nav=true&TB_iframe=true&width=1000&height=600'); ?>' class='thickbox inbound-thickbox'>
<?php echo count(self::$cta_clicks); ?>
} else {
echo count(self::$cta_clicks);
<div class="clearfix"></div>
public static function get_click_count() {
global $post;
return count(self::$cta_clicks);
new CTA_WordPress_Leads();